To review, The Aristocrats is the film where 100 comedians tell the same joke. Remember hearing about that film? I remembered and rented it.

I don’t know what I expected, but I kinda thought the bottle line would be humor.

I was wrong. This is an old disgusting joke. The particulars to the joke can be made up by anyone, as long as you get to the punch line. The translation? This is 90 minutes of every comedian thinking of the most pornographic and disgusting particulars they can think of.

Sound like fun? That makes one of us.

I would prefer to hear every person in this documentary talk about anything else to hearing them talk about this.

If you live your every moment mourning the lack of nonstop potty humor in your everyday life, The Aristocrats is the holy grail for you. Rent it, buy it, become one with it and never, never come to my house.

Copyright © 2006 CTarr